Dauer: ca. 1 Stunde, 15 Min.

Tickets: freier Eintritt, mit Registrierung!

Gespielt am:

So 18.12.2022

Sprache der Vorstellung:
Ukrainisch / Ukrainian

in deutscher Sprache

Ab 10 Jahren

Марина Смілянець (Marуna Smilyanets), Людмила Тимошенко (Lyudmula Tymoshenko)

Тарасенко Єва (Tarasenko Yeva), Нікіта Козлов (Nikita Kozlov), Фененко Марія (Mariia Fenenko), Волобуева Дарія (Volobuiva Dariya), Сірідін Никита (Siridin Nikita), Карлович Наталія (Karlovych Nataliia), Підопригора Маргарита (Pidopryhora Marharyta), Єлезавета Єленчук (Yelezaveta Yelenchuk)

Мотика Анна (Motyka Anna)

Валерія Березовська (Valeriia Berezovska)

Магія Вишедська (Mariia Vyshedska)

Альшева Анна (Anna Alsheva), Соломія Кушнір (Solomia Kushnir)

Maryna Smilyanets, Lyudmyla Tymoshenko


STATION - Lesung Werkstatt von und mit geflüchteten ukrainischen Kindern

Kartenreservierung: Für die heutige Vorstellung sind keine Karten mehr verfügbar.
Ticket reservation:
There are no more tickets available for this performance.

The theatre reading workshop for children and teenagers from Ukraine "STATION" under the direction of curator and director Motyka Anna is preparing a performance reading of the contemporary Ukrainian play "Refugee Cats" by the authors Maryna Smilyanets and Lyudmyla Tymoshenko.

The play tells the story of four cats who were forced to flee the war in Ukraine.

In cooperation with Goethe-Institut in Exile (Ukraine)

@ elenchuk_photo

A theater director from Kyiv, graduated from the Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theater, Cinema and Television with a degree in drama theater directing. She is a teacher and a certified trauma therapist working with children.

Participant of international laboratories and festivals. Initiator of dance therapy and post-traumatic theater.

Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner Refugee Cats – © Konstantin Börner

Fellowship - Programm „Weltoffenes Berlin“