Tickets: 15,- / 10,- (erm.)


HEUTE:  Donnerstag 03.10., um 20:00 Uhr  
Freitag 04.10., um 20:00 Uhr  

Margarita Lastra, Karla Franco

Margarita Lastra / Karla Franco

She Remains

"She Remains" ist ein Physical Theatre Stück, das - inspiriert durch das Drama „The Human Voice“ - die Innenwelt von Cocteau’s poetischem Universum erforscht. Ausgehend von der eigenen Poesie Lektüre haben sich Franco und Lastra dazu entschieden, die Erfahrung von Trauer als Raum für Transformation im menschlichen Leben zu verhandeln. In „She Remains“ schlagen die Künstler:innen vor, das Theater als performativen Ort zu nutzen, um Motive wie das der Wunde, des Unbehagens und der Wiedergeburt zu untersuchen. Durch den Verweis auf die Verletzlichkeit des menschlichen Wesens stellt das Stück eine Verbindung zur Natur her und erkundet die Wechsel der Jahreszeiten als Anlässe für innere Trauerprozesse.
Poesie, Theater und Leben existieren simultan in diesem Projekt, in dem die erzählende Figur ohne Widerstand oder Entschlossenheit mit ihrer Sensibilität in Verbindung tritt.
„Sie lebt fort in der Erinnerung an ihre fragmentarischen Identitäten und findet in der Reflexion des Spiegels eine sanftere Stimme, die ihr ins Ohr singt.“

Margarita Lastra

27-year-old actress and yoga teacher from Chile. Having completed her university degree in 2023, Margarita decided to bring her passion for the arts to Berlin.

Her educational journey, from Instituto Profesional Arcos to Teatro Imagen, combined with seminars in contemporary dance, circus, and theater, has led her to engage in diverse productions. These productions merge circus skills with theater, from traditional theater to street performances, including works such as 'The Human Voice,' 'La Copa de los Árboles,' and 'La Sangre y la Esperanza.' Additionally, Margarita has directed with Colectivo Sequia. Thrilled to collaborate on 'Medusa, behind the mirror' Margarita is immersing herself in performance art in Berlin. She also dedicates her time volunteering at the English Theater of Berlin, enriching her artistic pursuits.

Karla Franco

Theater Director, poet, and meditation teacher.

She has worked as a performer and director in Mexico, since 2008, where she specialized in combining urbanism and theater, inspired by the situationist movement.

In 2015 she encountered the world of physical theater and the pedagogy of Jacques Lecoq, which led her to relocate and continue her artistic research in 2018 in Berlin, Germany, where she currently is based.

In 2019, with Erasmus scholarship, she participated in a residency at Odin Teatret as part of the Ikarus Stage-art project. In 2020 she completed her MFA in Devising Theater and Performance at Arthaus Berlin and Rose Bruford College, where she started exploring the space of embodied poetry.

„She Remains“ is a physical theater proposal that aims to explore the inner world and poetic universes of a person who decides to migrate to another country. From our own poetic reading, we have decided to give voice to the grief of this experience. According to Psychopathological and Psychosocial analysis, a person lives 7 different griefs when migrating, this is our opportunity to give them a voice, to give ourselves as migrants a voice in them.

We have proposed to explore the wound, the uneasiness and the rebirth in the beautiful container that is the performative space of the theater.

Referring to the vulnerability of the human being, we make contact with nature, to explore the flow of the seasons of the year as internal processes of grief.

Poetry, theater and life coexist in this project, where the character makes contact with her sensitivity, without resistance or resolution.

“She remains in the memory of her fragmented identities, finding in the mirror a softer voice that sings in her ear: ask for the journey to be longer”.